Week 39 ended up being the last of my pregnancy and we had our sweet baby in our arms for week 40!


Highlights of week 39:

  • On, what we thought would be, our last day (or so) before the baby, we spent a leisurely morning at Starbucks where I worked on my pregnancy book, this journal, and wrote an email to the baby. I attempted to go to bed early and get plenty of rest, but who was I kidding that I could sleep the night before I was going in to be induced?!
  • At 39 weeks and 1 day, we got up early to a nice day with clear blue skies and walked the mile and a half to the hospital (Yes!). My doctor started the induction and the waiting began. It was nearly 48 hours before or sweet baby finally made his appearance! He needed quite a bit of encouragement, but in the end, things worked out – I was able to deliver without a c-section, baby was healthy, and we were all smiling at the end.
  • Baby boy Kellan arrived at 9:13 am, weighing in at 9 lbs and 15 ozs and 21 3/4 inches long. Even though the doctor was spot on about his size, everyone was still surprised and impressed! He was bright eyed, big cheeked, had a solid head of fair peach fuzz, and dark blue eyes.
  • On the day of our discharge, we had a photographer come in to take pictures. We were going on 3 hours of sleep, so we weren’t in top form, but still got some nice photos to remember Kellan’s first days.
  • We spent 2.5 days in the hospital, 5 full days in total there, and were glad to get back home to spend time as a family after many sleepless nights full of interruptions.



Highlights of week 40:

  • He’s here! Instead of waiting for this little guy’s arrival, we celebrated his one week birthday during week 40. He was incredibly sleepy and cuddly and we spent our first days as new parents loving on him and getting used to our new normal.
  • This week Kellan lost his cord, took his first taxi ride (back to the hospital for his heel prick test), first ride in his stroller, and got a couple visits from the public home health nurse. On the last day of the week, we even braved an outing into the city to meet up with friends and he slept through the entire thing like a champ.
  • On his 1 week birthday he had his professional newborn portraits. He was a perfect model!
  • We’ve got a lot to learn, but are enjoying getting to know our little one and are in aw of how precious he is!


